Here are the rules I was given:
Grab the nearest book. Open the book to page 56. Find the fifth sentence. Post the text of the next two to five sentences in your journal/blog along with these instructions. Don't dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST. Tag five other people to do the same.
I have to admit something before I go on... I stood in front of my bookcase with books on French subjects and grabbed straight ahead not paying attention to the titles... I opened to the page as told... skimmed down to the 5th sentence... started to read... and then I put the book back onto the shelf... I have a G rated blog and the words simply would put me into another category altogether. So here is the second book I grabbed...

"It provides a concrete explanation for niggling doubts I'd begun to have Levallois- feelings that until now had been only abstract, nothing I could articulate. All this spare time on my hands doesn't help matters, naturally. During long days alone, I dwell on my doubts and they flourish under my attention. They give me something to do; focus. No wonder living here wasn't turning out to be the Parisian dream life I'd envisaged- it's not even Paris!"
Ooh la la... I would like to fulfill a Parisian dream... oooh and in case you would like to read the original page I opened to... the book is called Invitation to Provence by Elizabeth Adler.
This tag is an open book... I hope you ALL will play along! Please let me know if you do... I would love to read your post!