Hellooooooo... welcome to my home... come in for a little... ha ha ha... FUN!
Let us give you a hand with your cape... ooooh how lovely... the old woman with a big wart left a red rosy apple... feel free to take a bite if you dare... ha ha ha
I haven't been able to dust in awhile... seems... these beautiful creatures don't seem to mind...
Name your poison... Edward our butler is dying to serve you a beverage...
While Gypsy tells you your ghostly fortune...
I here a bell... Count Dracula... is dinner served?... "Yesssss... mum... the cauldron is bloody well steaming with delights"
It appears our witchy woman has stirred up a lovely pot of food...
"Yea, you can see by looking at me, what a wonderful cook she is".... DON'T listen to him... he's an old bag of bones! ha ha ha
Let's enjoy some dinner music provide by The Black Crowes...

Thanks for stopping by... we hope you had a hauntingly ghoul time... BYE!
Halloween Haven products via Grandin Road

Halloween Haven products via Grandin Road