Katharines are energetic, lively, and optimistic. They want to contribute to the world.
How to Get Along with Me
* Give me companionship, affection, and freedom.
* Engage with me in stimulating conversation and laughter.
* Appreciate my grand visions and listen to my stories.
* Don't try to change my style. Accept me the way I am.
* Be responsible for youself. I dislike clingy or needy people.
* Don't tell me what to do.
What I Like About Being a Katharine
* being optimistic and not letting life's troubles get me down
* being spontaneous and free-spirited
* being outspoken and outrageous. It's part of the fun.
* being generous and trying to make the world a better place
* having the guts to take risks and to try exciting adventures
* having such varied interests and abilities
What's Hard About Being a Katharine
* not having enough time to do all the things I want
* not completing things I start
* not being able to profit from the benefits that come from specializing; not making a commitment to a career
* having a tendency to be ungrounded; getting lost in plans or fantasies
* feeling confined when I'm in a one-to-one relationship
Katharines as Children Often
* are action oriented and adventuresome
* drum up excitement
* prefer being with other children to being alone
* finesse their way around adults
* dream of the freedom they'll have when they grow up
Katharines as Parents
* are often enthusiastic and generous
* want their children to be exposed to many adventures in life
* may be too busy with their own activities to be attentive
Take the QUIZ... Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz at HelloQuizzy
Here's a little more Katharine Hepburn...Kate colourized in a dress...
Katharine in her trademark pants/suit...I can't imagine golfing in a long skirt...
My favorite Hepburn movie A Philadelphia Story...
Katharine with the love of her life Spencer Tracy...
Portraying the famous Coco Chanel...
"Sucking Face" with Henry Fonda...
Katharine in her last film... One Christmas...
I have never seen this, but I read that it is a GREAT Christmas movie... thinking about renting it! For more information about Katharine Hepburn please visit The Katharine Hepburn Theatre HERE. Don't be SURPRISED if you see Fifi there... so exciting!
So who are you? Go take the quiz and come back and TELL US! There might be a PRIZE for YOU if you participant!!! (1 lucky winner receives a surprise)