My friend Gigi gave me the perfect gift yesterday... French Roast left on my front porch bistro table... and the solution to "what shall I write about in tomorrow's post"...
And what better day to talk about friendship than the day the SATC the movie DVD arrives in stores! Gigi is the person who introduced the TV series to me and invited me over to watch every week...
Gigi (in her orange original Diane Von Furstenberg dress) is one of my girlfriends that accompanied me to the SATC the movie in theatre and shared laughs and cosmos with me, Babs and Aida! (hubby was our driver)
Gigi is also one of my friends who has been the recipient of some of my paints over the years...
Reproductions of Van Gogh (above) and Matisse (below)...
Several (front and back) from our SATC the movie night...
Even a painting of her son in my garden...

So merci beaucoup Gigi for the French Roast... I'm sorry I missed you for coffee... raincheck please! And with that... I'm declaring this Friendship Day! Have a cup of coffee or a libation with a friend or even VIRTUALLY... and CHEERS to friendship!
Please feel welcome to tell a friendship story here... We'd all love to hear...
HEY a story... I received via email from (photos above)... girlfriends working together to redecorate their sorority house... fit right in with my theme of the day!
BTW... if you are having a SATC DVD party and you need FAVORS... my SATC bookmarks are perfect! EMAIL ME for details!