A package arrived this weekend from Sharon of Serendipity ... I was the winner of her giveaway... I told her I love green and this is what I got... and she makes these bags and I think she even made the cute green earrings! Read the story about how I learned that I won HERE... it is pretty funny... Thank you Sharon... I love everything!
Another FUN thing arrived for me via mail... this Eiffel Tower door stop via Ballard Designs... and I truly needed this... I have been jumping a mile every time the winds pick up and a door down the hall slams shut... and the flip flop shoved under the door is not a pretty sight when guest come over... this is much better...
The gifts keep on coming... my 13 year old son... the one holding the trophy along side his swim coaches... future Phelps :)... was the top male swimmer of the 13-14 year old division at our club... we are so proud of him!
And to top it all off... I am so honoured to receive this award from A little Bird Told Me...

The Rules for those receiving an award are:
1. The winner can put the logo on their blog
2. Link the person you received the award from
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4. Put links of those blogs on yours
5. Leave a message on the blogs nominated
I would really like to break the rules... aren't rules meant to be broken... I find it very hard to pick just 7 blogs... I would rather give it to all the blogs I visit daily or OFTEN... you know who you are... so take this award and place on our site if you wish and enjoy it and pass it on to other blogs you love!

And the giving continues with this "Kids in a Basket" painting... Carissa was the winner of the Shake the Salt Launch Party Giveaway... Hope this brings you JOY!
I hope everyone had a WONDERFUL weekend... Let's hear about it... what JOY do you have to boast about?