Today we visit the famous lingerie designer in her Paris apartment filled with PINK decor...
Let's go on a little tour... starting with her living room...
Her dining room looks ready for us to have some lunch...
Her fancy girly dressing room...
Love this cabinet...
(Chantal's Apartment Photos via Victoria-Heart Magazines-September 2002)

I think we should go pop over to her shop here...

and if you are not in Paris... and reside in the Los Angeles area... you can purchase her fashions at Faire Frou Frou... my painting (available... email me) inspiration via a photo of the shop on their Frou Frou Fashionista blog...

Andddddddddddd for MORE Friday FUN visit... Melissa’s Beautiful Life and Julia's Hooked on Houses and be sure to visit all the PINK participants on Saturday at Beverly's How Sweet the Sound!!!
See more Fifi Flowers paintings in my Painting du Jour Gallery and Etsy Shop... and frameable notecards can be put together CUSTOM... you pick your favorite Paris paintings for a set of 8 frameable notecards... and ALL paintings can be made into prints...
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