The crowds are enormous! We are all waiting with anticipation…Where is she?...Can you see her yet?
Then the toast of honor arrives in the most beautiful carriage all dressed up. The doors open and she steps out…Everyone is waiting to yell… “CONGRATULATIONS FIFI!!!”

All these people came from vast distances, across HUGE ponds, via boats, planes and YES, even stolen cars (hehe) to Versailles to celebrate Fifi’s Blogging Birthday. We are all holding up our champagne glasses to toast Fifi on a MARVELOUS job done so BEAUTIFULLY!!! Petunia steps up to Fifi. Champagne flute in hand and begins her TOAST. She says”
Dearest Fifi:
It is hard to believe it has been a whole year that you have been sharing your FABulous self and paintings with the entire world! Of course, I have known you for so many years and it does please me to pieces that the rest of the world loves you and your ability to channel Matisse in the way you do just as much as I do. I'm sure Henri is pleased as well. You have shared lovely parties in your pink Paris apartment with us, amazing jaunts off to FUN places, crème cafe and croissants in cozy cafes and at the end of each one, you have blessed us with a painting of our getaways! You are truly an angel other than that thieving thing you are driven to do. OH and speaking of driving, the best theft yet is, of course, the little pink Fifi car! You have made me laugh and smile and your lovely art work which hangs in my sun room where I do confess to looking my best, beautifies my life and world every single day. Is it not just incredible that we are BFFs, Fifi? Of course it is! And so, on this very historic event, one that will be marked on calendars of great events for many years to come, I wish you a very special Happy Blogging Birthday from the bottom of my heart!
Petunia who thinks that doing the blogging thing almost every day of the year for a year is an exhausting, if not remarkable feat and will now go take a nap as she is worn out just thinking about it. California Flower Girls

Then the Circus animals begin to come to Versailles to help in celebrating Fifi’s birthday. What a bash we are all having!!!

Instead of fireworks we all ran outside with RED balloons in our hands to say AU REVOIR to Fifi before she leaves for other Tablescape Thursday parties. I left her a little note in her carriage that personal Thanked Fifi for allowing me to stop on by this week and I had the most fun getting into trouble with her!!!
THANK YOU FIFI…enjoy the rest of your time in FRANCE…
Au revoir!
~Miss Kris
Merci Beaucoup to everyone attending my SUPRISE blog anniversaire celebration... and especially to Kris for a FAB post and to my dearest BFF Petunia for a FAB toast... what a surprise... and I have a surprise for all of you... I have video of the party...
Photos of some of the yummies...

Anddddddd everyone please be on time tomorrow... we will be touring a Paris apartment with shades of PINK for Fashion Friday... and we don't want to keep our hostess waiting... she has lingerie to design and lunch will be served!
SPEAKING OF PARTIES & FUN... HERE IS A "REAL" EVENT in the Los Angeles Area...
Sunday, April 26, 2009 • Catalina Jazz Club
6725 West Sunset Blvd. • Hollywood, CA 90028
Celebrate Buddy Collette’s 8th Annual Jazz Party!
Benefiting the Stroke Association of Southern California
with (in order of appearance)
Chloe Feoranzo Quartet
Buddy Collette Quintet
Niki Haris
Special Guest Artist Les McCann
6:00 p.m. Cocktails accompanied by Chloe Feoranzo Quartet
6:45 p.m. Dinner is Served, featuring wines by Jake-Ryan Cellars, Napa Valley
7:15 p.m. Buddy Collette Quintet
Niki Haris
Special Guest Artist Les McCann
Helen Borgers (KKJZ FM 88.1) MC
Tickets: $150 (includes 3 course dinner, wine and show).
Please rsvp as soon as possible by calling 310-828-8117.