Look at the Cute New Sheriff in town...
Off to play in the rain...
Relaxing in the garden...

In the spirit of giving... I add this to my 29-days of gift challenge... Gift 16... "Winston's Chair"

Melissa @ The Inspired Room just had her 1 year birthday of blogging... in honour of this event... I told her to send me a photo and I would do a virtual painting for her... she sent me the chair photo and I add HER dog Winston! Happy Blog Birthday, Melissa!

It's always nice to capture a treasured moment with a painted portrait! You can commission me... send me a photo of a child, pet, etc... and I will give you a painting to treasure or give as a gift!
And a GIFT to ME... yesterday Jennifer of PINK HEEL put me IN THE SPOTLIGHT on Fete Nationale... how perfect is that! Learn more about me... FIFI... by reading an interview I did with PINK HEELS... Thank you, Jennifer for putting me IN THE SPOTLIGHT !