one lady even rode over on a fashiohable PINK bicycle with wine and baguettes for everyone...

Here's how it works... Fifi Flowers will donate 10% of all 3 of these paintings sales to Breast Cancer Research... sooooo by purchasing a PINK painting by Fifi Flowers YOU will help fight against Breast Cancer... if you would like to purchase one of these paintings please visit My Etsy Shop!!! Prints & Frameable Notecards are also available... email moi!!! There will be NEW PINK paintings every Friday... so if you don't see one for you this weekend.. perhaps there will be one for YOU next week! Orrrrr perhaps YOU have a photo with a PINK theme you would like to see me paint... email it to moi or a link to it!
Nowwwww... Don't forget to visit all the PINK participants on Saturday at Beverly's How Sweet the Sound!!!
Bon weekend!