and are perfectly dressed for an outside Cannes party...
Everyone seems to be loving your look as you walk down the red carpet... does everyone like my red dress there in the middle... J'adore RED!!!
Look at these tables... FAB!!! Love the use of screens and projected images... keep watching... I think some photos of YOU will flash on the screen too...
Merci Wolfgang for making all the food... he loves to cater for Petunia...
FUN mini hamburgers...
is that guacamole? gotta LOVE a variety of desserts... yummmmmmmmm...
Oooh I almost forgot... Petunia receive an award earlier in the day...
While wearing this dress... no that is not Petunia... that model was trying to capture a peek into the award ceremony... Petunia LOVED her dress better than her own and agreed to not have her arrest if she would give here that dress... I believe she was arrested anyway for being nude in public... and the dress was stunning on Petunia and was perfect for the evening event as well!
And I would like to personally thank Petunia for helping clear Fifi's name... she was kind enough to contact her friends of PAGE SIX...
PRESS RELEASE: Not only have I have known Fifi Flowers for years but she is my BFF. To the best of my knowledge, Fifi has never, I repeat never, stolen a painting let alone entertained the thought of stealing anything. Well, let me rephrase that. She MAY or MAY not have stolen a picture or two to paint but to steal an old dead man's work when hers is obviously so much better? I am sure the insanity of that is clear to all. Until this unfortunate event is resolved, she and I will be doing a Polanski, that is enjoying a bit of rest and relaxation somewhere fabulous in France. It would be a terrible shame for America to lose one of its finest artists to France but be that as it may, these thoughtless accusations have brought us to this. Please feel free to send Fifi all your letters of apologizes to my representatives. They have been instructed to forward all relevant correspondence. I do send my best and condolences to Matisse's family if anything I have said here is upsetting to them. I am sure they are still feeling his loss after all these years.I would like to thank all those who, on a daily basis, want to know about me and my life. Your support during our time in exile will make it all the more lovely for both Fifi and I.
Sincerely, Petunia
Andddddddddd Thank YOU all for joining us today for FUN... here are some parting gift bags for YOU...Now... be sure to visit other Tablescape Thursday participants via Between Naps on the Porch...
Oooooh and be sure to READ ALL COMMENTS BY PETUNIA... you may even want to check the box that lets you read any more comments she might make later during the day... this is how she is participating in this adventure! And you never know when I might respond make to her!
More Adventures on Fashion Friday tomorrow... Au revoir... à demain !
Photos via Google search for Cannes Parties