
Day 1 of my 365 Day Challenge

What better way to keep up on blog posting than to challenge myself... sooooo I purchased a watercolor sketchbook to create a lifestyle journal... paintings of things that surround me or inspire me... I often see a painting just waiting to come to life looking in my garden, looking at photos, looking around while out on a walking adventure... even looking at food, coffee, etc etc... my list could go on forever...

Day 1 of my 365 day challenge...

This is the 8.5 x 8.5" journal I plan to fill and more will follow! I can do this!

I hopefully I keep all of your attentions... Soooo... let's show my first painting titled Cafélicious. I often talk about painting at a café table in Paris: my daydream! That seemed like the beginning of my story... journey... and Cafélicious is my invented café for a book series that I absolutely LOVED writing. I wish the café was real! I would sit there every day and bring you these blog posts...

This painting shows everything I need to create my journal post: reader glasses, paint brush, mechanical pencil, 0.1 ink pen, eraser, of course the journal itself... coffee is a must in may art studio... and these are the watercolor shades I used to paint.

What will inspire me tomorrow?

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