Do I get an iphone?
Or a BlackBerry?
Which is best for texting? Texting is tres important for moi...I also need to be able to say "Oh My Gawd... you should see what she's wearing"...
Do I add BLING?
I know I can no longer do this...
But is it legal to do this...
Soooooo the next question is... which phone will give me a Beautiful Life and make be fashionable... note the empty hand ready for a new cell phone...
Can't wait to hear your recommendations... After you leave me words of wisdom... Pop over to HOOKED ON HOUSES and THE INSPIRED ROOM... See what others are Hooked on to capture a Beautiful Life!
Ooooooh... and don't forget to check the weather channel for Sri Lanka... you want to make sure you pack appropriately for our trip this Pink Saturday (tomorrow)!