This song title sums up my drive home from working... Chasing Pavement...
Yesterday my 15 minute drive took 2 LONG hours!!!

Overturned Big Rig Shuts Down Eastbound 210 Freeway
January 14, 2009
The big rig was said to be hauling 50,000 gallons of liquid asphalt when it overturned, blocking all eastbound lanes. About 1,000 gallons of the liquid spilled onto the roadway and some also made its way into storm drains, according to California Highway Patrol Officer Francisco Villalobos. The lanes were expected to be closed until 3 p.m., Villalobos said.
No word on what caused the crash. Crash occurred at 5:41a.m.
This is also my excuse for no paintings or proper post... sigh... soooo... I hope you ENJOY Adele's music!
MORNING UPDATE: Last night hurrying to put something on my blog... I called this a "nothing" post basically... BUT... the more I think about yesterday... it is SCARY!
I was basically STRANDED like everyone else... this was one freeway... one incident... WE ARE NOT READY FOR A NATURAL DISASTER!!! Had something happened to my children yesterday... I would've had NO WAY to get to them... SCARY!!!
What is the solution? A fold up scooter or bicycle in my car? The roads were parking lots!