You can find me HERE... lounging today... going to start a book... looks, like the perfect day bed... and look refreshments too! 
Outdoor Living taken from Simply Grove
Back Up plan in case of BAD weather...
This sofa will work as a perfect day bed... but where are the libations?
Indoor Living from Please Sir
What books do you have planned to read now that summer is upon us? Do you read the FUN summer novels? That's it for me... kids are out of school... time is schedule around their wants, needs and various activities... so I want... I need FUN chick lit! Although... I will have to get around to reading "Eat, Pray, Love" for a bookclub meeting... I've heard it was GREAT... has anyone else read it and love it or has anyone disliked it? NO details... I will be reading it. Sooo... my dilemma for today is: new Jennifer Weinner or Sophie Kinsella book ...hmmm...