Let's start with the beautiful historic Biltmore Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles...

with a stunning open area used in many movies...

A grand hallway leading to several ballrooms...

a boy and a girl...

A GORGEOUS ballroom... the table is set...

time to enjoy a 7-course meal... starting with a scallop appetizer...

followed by a lovely soup with cream drizzle...

champagne sorbet to cleanse the palette...

peppered steak and aspargus for the main course...

salad of mixed greens...

creme brulee with berries...

eaten with a chocolate spoon...

an assortment of cheeses...

and of course everyone is welcome to taste a piece of wedding cake...
I hope you enjoyed reliving my wedding day 16 years ago (June 5th actually)... those are not the actual food photos but that was the menu... it was DIVINE!!! We were married in the Tiffany Ballroom and then dined at one big table with 35 guests... while chamber music by four musicians was performed... it was very intimate and elegant... I was a princess marryng my prince!
Le sigh... time to pop back to reality and go visit other FAB Tablescape Thursday participants over at Between Naps on the Porch... ENJOY!
See you tomorrow... the Coco Chanel Quotation Book giveaway winners will be revealed... good luck!