If you did not win... don't be discouraged... I will not be discarding the rest of the photos BECAUSE I will be doing a weekly drawing until the end of the year... SOOOOO... you actually get more than 1 chance! PRETTY COOL!!!! Don't you think!
JUST A REMINDER... Only one photo request per person... so if you wish to change the photo you already sent, please let me know and send me a new photo or link... OTHERWISE... you're still in the running to WIN A SET OF FRAMEABLE NOTECARDS OF YOUR PHOTO that moi "Fifi Flowers" will paint!
Here is another option to this giveaway... if you would rather win a set of Fifi Flowers Frameable Notecards of one of my paintings... simply let me know which painting.
OOPS... I should give the details to those of you who are not familiar with my Ooh la la Giveaway... ok... here it is... Send me a LINK to your favorite photo (only 1 photo please) or an email and don't forget to leave your EMAIL... and I will randomly draw a winner... then I will paint your photo and post it on my blog and YOU WIN A SET OF FRAMEABLE NOTECARDS OF YOUR PAINTING... WHICH WILL BE SENT TO YOU VIA SNAIL MAIL!
Deadline for the Ooh la la Giveaway is Friday the 14th Midnight PST.