Moi loves Paris and to paint it with her own little touches...

andddd... the BLUE bicycle... wellll that is getting to be a FAMOUS bicycle... it keeps moving from place to to place... andddddd KARENA wants to know WHY I keep stealing her bicycle... welllll that is easy... it is très ADORABLE!!!
2) One 2011 Fifi Flowers Calendar of Winner's choice
Ooooooh and speak of Karena... she is having a FIFI GIVEAWAY!!!!
be sure to POP OVER to her site NOW you do NOT want to miss out...
1) One 8 x 10 original acrylic Fifi Flowers work of art on archival paper of Winner's choice
2) One 2011 Fifi Flowers Calendar of Winner's choice
3) A set of 10, 4 x 6 Fifi Flowers Note Cards of Winner's choice
This Art Package has a value of $200
and there is a "LITTLE" bit about Fifi Flowers over there... IMPORTANT IMPORTANT!!!! Do I have YOUR attention!!!! GO NOW to ART by KARENA!!!!
Oooooh but please leave a comment here too... sooooo I know you are listening!!!!