Come along this week and see how I wind up my VIRTUAL stay in France!
Tuesday... A French day for sure!
Wednesday... Outdoors in France!
Thursday... A Tablescapes party... YOUR table in France?
Friday... Fashionable Goodbye to France and another GIVEAWAY!!!
Don't be sad that we will be leaving Paris... you know I will return before long.. I can NEVER stay away from Paris... it is in my heart FOREVER!!!
Oooh and Congratulations to Mary's Meanderings... Winners of an ORIGINAL PARIS PAINTING... YOU too can keep Paris in your heart via a Fifi painting!!! Email moi for more details... we will SURPRISE everyone during the week with YOUR PRIZE PAINTING!
Be sure to visit more BLUE posts via Blue Monday posts over at Smiling Sal's and METAMORPHOSIS posts via Metamorphosis Monday posts over at Susan's!!!
ENJOY your week... profitez de votre semaine!