Everyone keeps telling me I need to publish a book of my artwork... wellll book publishers have not been knocking at my door... sooooo I thought I would make some booklettes... mini books of my artwork... BUT not just printed books... NO these would be SPECIAL!!! Here is my FIRST one...

This book contains 8 ORIGINAL works of art... these pieces are what I call my thumbnail sketches... before I make a painting... many times I paint them small first to play with colour... soooo the PROUD owner of one of my booklettes will actually get 8 works of art (3" x 3" approximately) painted by moi...

and here is the book completed and tied together with silk ribbon... (the cover artwork is not an original painting)... it can easily be taken apart... frame paintings or keep it as a book!
Oui oui oui... it is AVAILABLE for PURCHASE... BUT there is ONLY one... EMAIL ME if you are interested!!! There will be more of these booklettes coming soon... In a Cafe with Fifi Flowers... Daydreaming with Fifi Flowers, etc etc... stay tuned!!! PAINTINGS in this post are AVAILABLE as a PRINT of a FULL-SIZE ORIGINAL... I will add them to my shop today!
Hope you ALL enjoyed spending a day "In the Garden with Fifi Flowers"... Now be sure to visit other Outdoor Wednesday posts via A Southern Daydreamer!